Thursday, March 19, 2009

A drunk hedgehog on water mattress

A terrible tragedy has befallen man today; I have started a blog. And though I hate the entire idea behind someone drivelling all their insignificant little character-traits and their utterly meaningless trials and tribulations on the internet for all to see. I do now realise that there was something I overlooked...

So you want to be a writer? I of course replied, “Hells Ye!” I now realise I have doomed myself to be one of those writers who thinks about writing and then doesn’t, who come up with an idea for a novel and then miraculously never gets past the first 10 or so pages.

Yet I have resigned to sticking to this decision come hell, high water or the scorn of a woman. Writing a novel without some other form of financial support seems foolish so I took it upon myself to sell out it the most flamboyant way possible and became a copywriter. So I could peddle the wares of some corporate America South African wannabes. All the while resenting the fact that I had to indeed do some commercially viable work and not just relax, something I have become exceedingly good at.

The revelation I had was that I myself was an ignorant snob. You see I had to redefine myself from arrogant chauvinist (which in retrospect is pretty ignorant in itself) and realise I was not a unique snowflake and that this whole internet self publication/exhibitionism was just an outlet and that I was obviously not above it.(above the internet?!)

So this is my quest, to write, just seriously just write. Yes I agree it is not the grandest of quest, and certainly not the epic in any shape or form but it is however necessary. Since I do not intend to be a copywriter my entire life... No I intend to be a normal run of the mill master of my own literary universe.

So the trails and misguided ranting of my quest towards achievement of literary potential will be slapped on this space, for all who cares to read it. I will brave the sordid internet (which is statistically 80% pornography anyway) like a deer in the headlights of self-doubt. Like a fossilised raptor with a slight calcium deficiency, Like a drunk hedgehog on a water mattress.

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