I have never been one to beat around the bush when it comes to saying what is on my mind. I have always spoken my mind and the fact that I have very nearly been punched a couple of time for just uttering the thought currently rummaging through my mind. More so when I am inebriated. I however do retain the basic decency to not call a down syndrome child a retard. I have however called numerous people retards even though I was sure they were not in actual fact a fucking retard, they were acting as such at the time.
What really pisses me off is that a couple of retarded radio DJs had a discussion on the topic and kept referring to people with disabilities as differently abled...Differently fucking abled!!!! What in baby zombie jesus are differently abled individuals. That’s like saying “good day sir! You are now blind; you are now able to not see! Congratufuckinglations!” Or “sir you were in a horrendous bus accident, but look on the bright side you are now able to sit...constantly and shit yourself.”
Now some may argue that this is a more politically correct way of saying but then I would beg to differ. In the way I would like to slap the person who though up the stupid Pc term with his own oesophagus after I ripped it out with my feet. See now being able to rip someone’s oesophagus out with your feet that’s differently abled.Oscar pistorius's flappy paddle feet that makes him faster than normal athletes that's differently abled. A dinosaur with lasers on his back. That’s differently abled (and immensely fucking cool)
If your disabled your disabled, there is no nicer way of putting it. My question is should there be?