You’re out having a smashing time, dancing like a lunatic in bar/club, young nubile woman gyrating on the dance floor smiling and giggling away while the DJ is spinning songs that you know almost all of the words to for every single song.
Then you realise the young nubile girls gyrating around the dance floor are probably smiling at the sheer retro value of all these songs, the same way you would at MC Hammer. So it suddenly dawns on you at 4 in the morning, after way more than 4 tequilas, that you are rapidly approaching 30. This by far is one of the most depressing thoughts that could possibly cross an inebriated mind.
You are old. But you don’t feel it...ok that’s most evidently a lie as you crawl out of bed at 3 o,clock the next afternoon and swear for the millionth time that you are never drinking tequila again, ever. You sure don’t bounce back like you use to, you just kinda fall, lie there for a while and get back up slowly. You start wondering how long it will be till you fall and things start breaking.
So why have the years slowly sneaked up and pounced on you like a pack of angry ninja muffins? Why have you suddenly progressed from being a 20something to an old man almost instantaneously? Why does it ,for some reason, dawn on you that time is running out rather quickly?
The answer is rather simple actually. You have a condition. Your condition is ambition.
Yes that’s right you are aspiring to greatness and in your head greatness is something that should be achieved as early in life as possible, carried through until you die and preferably linger long after your gone.
You’ve gone and set yourself some goals in your youth. Be it wealth, fame, happiness, notoriety or as in my case actually physically write and have published a novel that rocks so hard people in Alaska’s lose teeth as the earth rebounds of the sheer awesomenasity of said literary work.
You my friend, like myself, have set the stakes pretty high against yourself. Face it your 5 year plan just became a 10 year one and extrapolating from the data you’ve gathered throughout your life regarding procrastination that number could be slightly off, by a decade or so.
There is however viable cures for this condition.
1: Stop caring, your ambitions are insignificant.
2: Chill out; leave it for later, because you know you will be able to do it better later...Just 5 more minutes mom.
3: Set yourself on fire
None of these will unfortunately appeal to most, but there is a golden mean that could solve your problem.
Why not incorporate all these into one by following the way of the monk, enabling you to learn how to properly chill out, wear sweet orange dresses that are way more comfortable than ties and have a great second/third/nth attempt at doing better the next life round.
Fuck you ambition!